Singapore, often hailed as the global capital of shopping, boasts a rich tapestry of retail history, embodied in the humble shopping bag. "The Evolution of the Shopping Bag" exhibition, designed by SNA Design and hosted at the National History Museum of Singapore, invites visitors of all ages into an immersive bag-themed environment to explore the fascinating journey of carrier bags. From their material composition and craftsmanship to the evolving values they represent, this exhibition traces the bag's transition from paper to plastic, highlighting its role in Singapore's retail landscape.

Delving into the local history, the exhibition serves as a homage to Singapore's commercial heritage, showcasing everyday objects that mirror both formal and informal business activities. It aims to forge a connection with a bygone era, now being gradually overshadowed by the surge of digital marketing and online shopping platforms.

Through the lens of memory-laden objects, "The Evolution of the Shopping Bag" offers a unique perspective on how commercial practices have shaped, and been shaped by, societal changes. This engaging showcase at the National History Museum of Singapore is not only a tribute to the shopping bag's legacy but also a reflection on the changing dynamics of commerce and culture in the digital age.

Join us in exploring the story behind the ubiquitous shopping bag, and gain insights into the materials, crafting techniques, and historical significance of this everyday icon in the heart of Singapore, the world's shopping capital.

Photo credit: SNA Design


